Streaming Statistics and Reporting

for Nimble Streamer

Rich statistics

Aggregating data from multiple sources.

Daily reports

Unique visitors stats for slices, streams and files.

In-depth reporting

  • Individual per-file and per-stream statistics
  • Connections, traffic, view time, devices and browsers
  • Filtering by dates and resource names
  • Making groups of files and streams
  • Comparing files and streams for selected period
  • Combined stats per selected period
  • Sorting of most and least parameters value

Real-time and retrospective reporting

Basic billing functionality on top of daily traffic report

High precision report

  • 5 minutes detail level
  • Connections, traffic, peak and 95 bandwidth
  • Both chart and raw data export

Panel access

Showing aggregated stats in a single web UI.

Make slices of data to see isolated portions of stats by applications and by individual streams.

Use white label to show stats via branded web UI

  • Add any number of custom domains with their logo and CSS appearance
  • Set up custom time zones

Create multiple users logins to access reports.

  • Users may be assigned across slices
  • Each user has separate locale setting
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and other languages are available.

Each user may have a separate set of permissions to control Nimble Streamer. Slices also allow setting server control for groups of users. Visit slices page to learn more.

Set of APIs including methods for Daily stats, In-depth stats, Real-time and more.

Available on any device browser including iOS, Android and smart TVs.

Cloud infrastructure gives high level of availability and robustness. Daily stats have disaster recovery.

Processing data from any number of Nimble Streamer instances without any logs parsing.

Try WMSPanel for Free
Free trial. No credit card required.

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind ©, available from

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