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Before you ask a question, follow these steps first

If you have some issue and need our help, most probably it was resolved and described already. So we'd like to describe a few techniques which will help performing initial analysis and make helpdesk ticket submission correctly.

This preliminary analysis must be done to understand the problem and most probably find the solution without waiting for our response.

Notice that we reserve the right to ignore your request without response if you don't follow the described steps before ticket submission.

1. Search first

If you set up some feature which you haven't used before and you see some malfunction, then most probably you need to double-check your setting. Read the respective feature documentation and follow it step-by-step to make sure you haven't missed anything.

If you want to know more about capabilities, this search bar will help getting detailed information.

2. Analyse the problem

Here are step you need to follow in case you have any streaming issues.

2.1 Check Logs

If you see any issues with Nimble Streamer behavior, you need to check its logs first. Read this article to see how you can enable them and set proper details level.
If you can't see anything suspicious in your logs, some other common items then need to be checked, as mentioned further.

2.2 Input stream

If you can't get output stream from your input, you should check the incoming stream itself. Make sure the transmission is actually working from your source perspective.
If it's a pulled stream, try pulling it using some player like VLC.
If you have RTMP or RTSP published input, check that you have proper interfaces defined in server settings.

If you have HLS output, try getting master playlist to see what server returns
curl -vvv https://your_domain:your_port/live/stream/playlist.m3u8
If master playlist is returned fine, try getting chunk list.
If playlist or chunklist is empty, this probably means your input is not working properly.

2.3 Playback problems

If you have issues with playback, please do the following.

  1. Enable the Interleaving compensation for the application which has an issue, or for entire server. Go to Nimble Streamer top menu, chose Live Streams Settings, check Enable interleaving compensation and set Min delay time to "0".
    Then re-start the stream at the source. Find more details in this article.
  2. If enabling interleaving compensation doesn't help, go to Test players page and try it on all players which support your playback protocol. For HLS those are JWPlayer, Bitmovin, Flowplayer, Viblast, Radiant, THEOplayer and HLS.js. When filing a ticket, send us playback results of every player. If only some the players are not working, most probably you need to contact player vendor about it.

2.4 Codecs

If the stream is running but it has no video and/or audio, then you need to check the content itself using ffprobe tool.

Some of the codecs which you use may be unsupported by the protocols or the player which you use. E.g. if you use HLS protocol and have MP2, Speex or PCM as for audio, then you won't hear any sound, you'll need to use Live Transcoder to convert between codecs.
The same applies to video. E.g. you may send MPEG2 or HEVC but you won't be able to view it in common browsers, so you'll also need to use Transcoder to convert it into something more commonly used like H.264.

Please refer to supported codecs page to make sure you use proper codecs.

2.5 DVR problems

  1. First, check some known issues in troubleshooting section of DVR setup article.
  2. Sometimes when MPEG-TS stream is used as a media source, it may have some glitches either in video or audio. This is caused by third-party encoders which set incorrect time stamps assigned to media fragments. Check timing errors handling article to learn more details about fixing this kind of issues.
  3. If you use HLS DVR output with MPEG-TS containers and have audio glitches or audio is missing, you need to enable interleaving compensation for the target application. Click on Nimble Streamer -> Live streams settings top menu, choose the application which you record your DVR for, then check Enable interleaving compensation option and set Min delay time must be set to "0".
  4. If you use pulled MPEG-TS or HLS as a source for your live stream, you need to make the following DVR setting adjustment. Go to DVR setup dialog for your DVR stream, click on Advanced settings... item and check Keep protocol timestamps check box. This will prevent possible issues with source timestamps.

2.6 Transcoder

If you use transcoder for processing stream, you may find useful Troubleshooting Live Transcoder article which covers some corner cases.

2.7 Performance issues

If your users experience any performance issues, please follow performance tuning guide to try fixing them.
Make sure your antivirus software does not affect your system performance.

3. Still haven't found the solution? Ask a question

If you couldn't find the resolution following the steps above, you can contact us by filling in the form below.

Details for further analysis

You must provide the following information when filing a ticket:

  • Provide WMSPanel account name or use the email of any account admin.
  • Provide server name and IP within your WMSPanel account.
  • Describe the source of your stream - e.g. published or pulled, what's the publish URL for pulled streams etc.
  • Provide playback URL to check.
  • Describe how you checked the output stream, e.g. players' check results from step 2.3.
  • Provide detailed information about each step of analysis described above.

We do not provide support for any issues without proper details. Requests like "My stream doesn't work" without any details will be ignored.

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