I have created a ticket with support 33215, I am at the point where I am not sure if this software is suited for broadcast television delivery, I was hoping someone could prove me wrong.
currently, I am running nimble streamer on linux mint in my facility. I have the nimble server connected to a switch, which I am receiving UDP multicast streams from our H.264 encoders. Each stream is about 7Mb/s.
I have verified the UDP multicast streams are clean coming in using a program known as TSReader, which I am able to check for Continuity Count, PCR, PID errors ect.
Prior to using nimble, I am able to use an SRT testing program known as srt-live-transmit. Which allows you to input an incoming UDP stream and transmit it using SRT for testing purposes.
For example:
srt-live-transmit udp://:1234 srt://:4201 -v
using just srt-live-transmit, to take the incoming UDP multicast streams, and stream to another remote srt-live-transmit instance, I do not have any problems doing this, even on the machine which is running nimble streamer.
however, the issue I am experiencing occurs only when I am using nimble. In my nimble streamer configuration, I am ingesting the UDP multicast streams. I have nimble streamer then configured to host or output the streams via SRT.
I am able to successfully watch these streams in VLC player.
Where I start to see the issue is when I connect the Nimble Streamer SRT hosted link to a remote instance of srt-live-transmit, and analyze the stream on the receiving end with TSReader, I am seeing constant Continuity Count and PCR errors on the UDP output stream from the SRT receiver, this causes breakup and macro blocking on the video/audio signal. TSReader tells me the packets are out of order. I have also tried sending the SRT link to other engineers and they are able to confirm they see the same errors on their stream analyzers.
The strange thing is, I don't see this problem when I just use srt-live-transmit, I only see the issue when I use Nimble Streamer. I thought maybe it had something to do with the network or server environment. I was originally hosting nimble streamer on a dedicated cloud server. I recently moved it to a local machine on site, to see if the issue occurred on the local network, and it does.
I have even tried running the stream on the same machine nimble is running and I see the same errors.
I have been working with WMSPanel support, which I was able to send them my source link via SRT to try in their Nimble Server, as I thought it had something to do with just my nimble server or configuration. They sent me the return hosted link, and I still see the same errors.
WMSPanel support confirmed the SRT signal looks OK in VLC player, but I am seeing different results inspecting with a transport stream analyzer, TSReader
WMSPanel support then sent me a test stream link of their own, which was less than 2.5Mbps. Looking at this stream with TSReader, This stream worked no problem, no errors.
I thought maybe it had something to do with the transport stream rate or bitrate of my source UDP stream, so I tried lowering the source in my encoder from a mux rate of 7Mbps, Video bit rate of 6Mbps to a Mux Rate of 3Mbps, video bit rate of 2 Mbps.
BAM!! This cleared up the Continuity Count errors shown in TSReader that I was seeing on Nimble output stream. However, this isn't the solution as I cannot leave my 1920X1080 streams at 3Mbps with H.264 compression, as the quality is not good, and I will get some angry football viewers.
This is where I am lost as I am not sure how to troubleshoot or how to fix. I would like to use nimble streamer for cable/headend delivery for our channels, monitoring, maybe ad insertion. But if I cant confirm the SRT output streams are clean coming out of nimble streamer, I cannot use it or convince my employer to allow me to purchase these advanced features.
If anyone could shed light on this, I would very much appreciate it.
Thank you.